Anna & Daniel

Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat Dissolving Injections

A non-surgical treatment to minimize and remove stubborn localize pockets of fat.

Is a specially formulated compound solution, which is injected into the problematic area. It works by attaching to fatty deposits, breaking them down over time. The fat then is naturally dissolved and flushed out by the body. Results are effective, quick, and minimally invasive.

Fat dissolve injections breaks the membrane of fat cells, results in the reduction of fat cell volume, while still maintaining cell vitality.

the treatments can be done in the following areas:

Legs inner/outer, banana roll (under bottom roll), abdomen, flanks/love handles, bra strap fat, buffalo humps, arms, jowls and chin.

Body: Individual Section

Price £150 small area : Arms, Bra Strap, Inner Tights, Outer Tights, Lower Belly, Upper Belly, Banana Roll, Buffalo Humps.

Price £200 large area : Love Handles, Full Stomach.

Face: Individual Section

Price £100

Fat Dissolving Injections are a safe, effective treatment that reduces fat cells in the treated area. It produces long lasting results. Made up from a number of different plant-based compounds that have been refined in a lab environment. Fat dissolving injections dissolves the membranes of fat cells in the treated area. The fat cells become unstable and break open. The fatty acids contained within the cell are then eliminated by macrophages (part of the body’s immune system) and the liver.

Contraindication: Although in general on a fit and healthy person, fat dissolving is a relatively safe and effective treatment to use. There are of course some things to consider that may stop or alter the way in which we do this treatment. • Pregnancy and breastfeeding - It is never advised to complete any form of fat loss • treatment on a pregnant or feeding mother. Studies show breast feeding can aid in the loss of fat in woman in the tummy and hips. Treatment can be carried out 3 months post birth for non-feeding mothers. • Not suitable on people under 18 and not advised on people over 60 as results may not be • as effective. • Lipodystrophy (where the body is unable to produce fat). • Lipoedema is an abnormal build-up of fat often in the legs and sometimes found in the • arms also. Cause is often unknown, and liposuction is the only effective way of removal of • this stubborn fat. • Liver and kidney disease or disorders. • Diabetes. • Thyroid disorders. • Permanent use of anticoagulants. • Skin disease and disorders in the target area - psoriasis, eczema, scabies etc. • Scar tissue - Do not treat in scar tissue area until 6 months post healing. • Infectious blood conditions - HIV, Aids and hepatitis. • Current infection or illness. • For the use of excessive weight loss. If you are ever unsure of a client's medical suitability, always get them to seek medical approval before commencing with the treatment.

Follow up services It is an option to treat two different areas at the same time but we still advise treating one area at a time as it generally aids the best results. The number of treatments required varies depending on the size of the fatty deposit.

Typically, 1-3 treatments for small areas, such as under the chin, and 4-6 treatments for larger areas such as the thighs. Treatments are spaced at 6-8 weekly intervals. Your results will show in approximately 6 weeks after your final treatment. Please note results differ from patient to patient. A reduction in fat in the targeted area can be noted a number of weeks post-treatment. The speed at which noticeable results are seen will vary depending on the stability of the cell membranes; younger clients are more likely to see results after a longer period. In very small fat pads, the desired results can already be seen after one treatment.

Products use in fat dissolving injections


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